Tuesday, March 18, 2008


wooooooooooow SJCC camp was so fun haha too bad there is not alot of people attending to it haha it seem quite from the camps i attended to in the past haha maybe cse in the past camps i attended are NCC(National Cadet corps)camps those camps more under controlled by the part D(the leaders of NCC)haha maybe cse the juniors are all young and easily controlled haha the games was also fun haha

hell' Advocate was a very new thing to me in all my camp experience i have never experience this before till the SJCC camp haha but the spiderweb was abit tooo horrible it took as tooo long to just send everyone over and being a leader during that point is even harder and more heartbreaking lol cse sometimes the directions given by me and the other leader joanna was not heard properly thus the one passing through the web touches the web lol but anyway it is not only the faults of the others that we took so long it was also my fault that i did not take danny advice of making use of the whole team to help but only using the certain few people to help haha anyway it was fun haha lol but it was a job well done for the hell's Advocate all thx to danny and gang of his team

haha the other games in the camp is also fun the team building game and treasure hunt haha all thx to the the IC(in -charged) of the camp The last part of the camp is also damn funny haha the song and the skit donno veri entertaining anot cse i am part of it hope it is entertaining haha the momote cafe lol to people who have taken the videos of the whole camp can send me the videos pls thx thx
on the overall the camp was great but the rest time seem to be alot leh haha anyway the next will be organised by the current juniors haha thats includes me haha hope we do a gd job haha but anyway till nx time bah till the nxt post bah bb

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